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"Lakras mixes fashion with art and design and finds potential in life itself to create works or pieces for an exhibition-sale or collaboration with other artistic projects. It is a laboratory of modified garments, accessories and drawings. Lakras incorporates from the spirit of a sea and mermaids to the liberation of absurd forces of corporeality and amulets. Within its multiplicity, Lakras ranges from the analog and "crafty" to the future of digital pieces. Lakras is eclectic, but homogeneous.
I like the search for the absurd and that this search sometimes extends to fictions-characters-mythological portals that are the friends too (my close friends vibrate in the tonality of each piece) sometimes it is life itself. Like the future that is not something that advances if it is not already here. I am interested in the processes that come out from the depths of the affections when working with others.
Beyond being conceived only as a brand, the value embodied that lakras gives to its works and garments in this capsule is of such magnitude that it transcends the ephemeral state of a few simple pieces of clothing and discarding, it manifests itself as something worthy of being treasured but that at the same time in its moment it can be forgotten but shared."