🌏 世界中に配送可能!私たちはどこへでも商品をお届けします | 11,000円 以上お買い上げで国内送料無料 🌍
interviewer: IRIKI (Radd Lounge)

今回RADD LOUNGEのインタビューでは、ストーン・アイランドの元デザイナーで現在はバーバリーのシニアプリントおよびテキスタイルデザイナーを務めるWilliam Francis GreenとCircadian RhythmsによるキュレーションプロジェクトCR006のラドラウンジ独占販売に伴い、インタビューを刊行



ー はじめてあなたを知ったのは2018年にVisionistがRADD LOUNGEに来店して頂いた際、あなたの作ったwwffggggのバッグを背負っていたのがきっかけでした。その当時、あなたはStone Islandのデザイナーを務めていましたが、どういった経緯でStone Islandのデザイナーを務めることになったのでしょうか? それに付随してwwffggggをスタートした経緯を教えて下さい。
I first became acquainted with you about six years ago when Visionist visited the RADD LOUNGE and saw you carrying a WWFFGG bag that you had made. At that time, you were the designer of Stone Island. And how did you start WWFFGGG in conjunction with that?



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「I’ve never properly launched my own label: Between when I graduated and started working full time at Stone Island there was a very short period in which I did a custom Nike AF1 series and created a few pieces derived from my graduate collection. Visionist’s bag et al. were all offshoots from that period. I did a pop-up shop and made a few 1 offs for friends etc that were all pretty lowkey. wwffgggg is not really a ‘brand’ but maybe some things i’m working on now could develop into that」


ー 今回 RADD LOUNGE で独占販売をする、CR006: Communal (国際的な名だたるレーベルがプロジェクトに参加し、公式に協力して音楽とファッションの世界を融合させた共同企画) はどのようにプロセスを経て産まれたものでしょうか?
How did the process of CR006: Communal (a joint project that brings together the worlds of music and fashion, with the participation and official collaboration of renowned international labels in the project), which you will be selling exclusively at RADD LOUNGE, come about?


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「I can’t completely remember how it started. Me and Luke Dubuis (Blackwax) joked years ago about doing some mega label collab, which I think kinda stuck with me. It wasn’t spawned from lockdown but I suppose that’s when I started thinking about independent labels and a lot of their income being from merch. This mixed with my understanding of waste in the garment industry kind of snowballed into what became the project. In short, we wanted find a way that independent labels and communities worldwide could support and platform one and other whilst reducing waste」


ー あなたはオーバーグラウンドとアンダーグラウンド、両方を陰陽のように行き来したかと思うのですが、それぞれの環境で気づいた点や異なる点等はありますか?
I assume you have moved between the overground and the underground like the yin and yang, but what have you noticed in each environment that is different?



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■ それ以外は、大嫌いなインスタグラムにクソみたいな投稿をしているだけさ(笑)

ー  作品作りや仕事に対してのワーク·エンゲージメントを高める方法などがあれば教えて下さい。それに付随して日頃のかかさず行うルーティンも合わせてお願いします。
What methods, if any, do you use to increase work engagement in your artwork and work? Please also include any routines that you follow on a daily basis.




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「We had a sick launch party with contributors from all over the world performing, as well as a London pop-up shop so people could come see everything in person

Live events / popups / stalls etc are obviously the best way to ‘’’engage’’’ with an audience」

Apart from that, just posting shit on instagram which I fucking hate lol

コントリビューターとは... 寄付者,貢献者の意

■ 私がストーンアイランドで学んだ最も重要なことは、衣服のあらゆる側面が互いに引き立て合うこと

ー デザインを行う際、気をつけている事やルールがあれば言える範囲で良いので教えて下さい。
Please tell us about any rules or points you pay attention to when designing, as much as you can say.





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Yeah well I love designing this stuff so it all comes pretty naturally haha


The design process of the collection was very hands on. I had a loose overarching aesthetic for all the garments to adhere too; this kind of playful, inverted feel that had a sense of refinement and practicality. Also considering ways to use all aspects of the donated clothing, so really challenging myself to utilise anything leftover and making everything completely 0% waste


Each garment is tackled differently yet starting with a pretty vivid idea of what the outcome should be. Sometimes it comes out exactly like that, other times it’ll morph during the process. The great thing about this project is the variation of pieces in-front of you to start with, you can quickly evolve a garment in an exciting way with so much stimuli


Overall, the most crucial thing is balance - probably the most important thing I learned at Stone [Island]. To have all aspects of garment complement each other. Whether it’s a piece that’s busy or simple, it’s important to keep it balanced to avoid it looking off or unconsidered. Like, if you’re gonna have 10 pockets on this piece… where/why/how etc., don’t just slap shit on, make it make sense, visually and practically


ー お金や資産の価値観、富の定義を教えて下さい。
What is your definition of wealth and the value of money and assets?







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I dunno, Just don’t make disproportionate profit from others

Haha, this was what me and visionist really delved into with his album [Value]

I don’t really have a personal definition as I think its something that evolves and morphs as time goes on and you develop as a person

When you are young you probably perceive monetary wealth as being pretty important, and for a period of time it probably is (accessing things previously unataibale)

But as you grow


■ ただ自分を愛して、クソみたいな服を買うのをやめることだよ!

ー 最後になりましたが、今回のインタビューありがとうございました。現在進行中もしくは今後のプロジェクトについて、言える範囲で良いのでお伝えする事はありますか?
Lastly, thank you very much for this interview. Is there anything you would like readers to know about any current and/or upcoming projects?


++++ Iriki&Radd Loungeにシャウトアウト!<3

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Nah, just love yourself and stop buying shit clothes !

++++ Shout out Iriki & Radd Lounge! <3

CR006 release on RADD LOUNGE
online shop

wwffgggg instagram | Circadian Rhythms web site

Nyege Nyege (Uganda)
Never Sleep (Italy)
Svbkvlt (China)
LUCKYME® (Scotland)
Clouds (Scotland)
Sector 7 (England)
TT (England)
Bokeh Versions (England)