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interviewer: IRIKI (Radd Lounge)
All Club とのコラボレーションに加え、Björk への楽曲提供など、多方面で活躍する Gabber Modus Operandiのメンバー Ican Harem によるハンドメイドコレクションの発売に伴い、インタビューを慣行!音楽とファッションに対する考え方を語ってもらった。

■ ファストファッション業界を批判する媒体でもあります。

ー 日本でもたくさんの音楽にフォーカスしたインタビューをされていたので、今回のインタビューはファッションにフォーカスしたインタビューを行おうと思います。まず、アップサイクルの服を作るきっかけを教えて下さい。

Since you have done many music-focused interviews in Japan, I would like to focus on fashion for this interview. First of all, could you tell us why you started making upcycled clothing?

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「I start make upcycling fashion because i wanna have individual style, presenting who i am, and its medium to criticising fast fashion industries, also is the easiest acces since the source materials are from second hand clothing , and all based D.I.Y ( Do it your self) Ethic . So my iming is to create new experience from old shape of the clothes to be more individual, also enjoy the process and experimenting the materials.」

ー あなたが作り出す洋服と GMO の音楽の共通目的は何ですか?
What is the common purpose of the clothes you produce and GMO music?

「服のDNAやアイデンティティを見つけることは、私が GMO で行ったことと似ています。クリエイティブな面では、本物のインドネシアの音はどんなものか、ファッションでインドネシア風味をどう表現するか、そして私はいつも自分の作品をパフォーマンスで着ていますが、それはとてもうまくいっています。」
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「To find the DNA and identity of the clothes , is similar treatement i did for GMO, on the creative side we always try to find what is the authentic indonesian sounds like, or how to defind indonesian looks on the fashion, and some how i always wearing my works on the performances.and its works really well.」



ー 現在、インドネシアのファッションシーンはどのような状態ですか?
How's the fashion scene at Indonesia like today?

「実際、ミュージシャンのルックスが彼らのイメージや政治的な視点を表現しているのを見てから、ファッションに対する意識が高まりました。 シタヤム・ファッションウィークが現象化し、インターネット上で文化が認識されるようになってから、インドネシアも徐々に認識を高めています。 そのおかげで、より多くの人が人前で自分がどう見えるかを意識するようになりました。」

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「Im not coming from fashion scene, i was more into music.actually more aware about fashion since when i saw some musician looks are presenting their image and they political perspective ,so my source information about fashion is coming from music referenses, for me fashion is tools to speak , and to show your identity. Indonesia progressly get more awarness , since there CITAYAM FASHION WEEK become phenomenon and recognise culture on internet https://mobile.twitter.com/tokyofashion/status/1552255721265238016 Its help more people are getting aware about how they looks in public.」

「In industries theres couple media and expo also focusing fashion become they  content , since internet and economy progress ,indonesian more have access to distributing  they fashion naration to global scene」

■ コラージュアートのプロセスにおける

ー 作品作りや仕事に対してのワーク・エンゲージメントを高める方法などがあれば教えて下さい。それに付随して日頃のかかさず行うルーティンも合わせてお願いします。
What methods, if any, do you use to increase work engagement in your artwork and work?


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「Our methodes are always to find redefintion of clothing siluet, and finding juxtaposition on the medium and materials, its almost similar with cut and paste technic on collage art process, also sometime we always change the shave and function of the materilas ( example process we found denim pants material we change become top outter , and than from outter we change become hat , and the final product it will become hand bag ) this process we really enjoy to always changing the former function .」

「I wake early morning since  i have baby daughter , taking care my daughter till 9 am, and working with my wife till 5pm , i actually learn how to design clothes from my wife, she have fashion design education background, personally i learn alot about technice , and fashion language from my wife ,  we always put loud music , and we enjoying all day to find all source  materials we got from friends donation, or scavanging the materials on second hand market.」

ー  デザインを行う際、気をつけている事やルールがあれば言える範囲で良いので教えて下さい。
Please tell us about any rules or points you pay attention to when designing, as much as you can say.

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「We would say we always put strong identity on my design, the naration of our clothes is always redifine how subcultre could be looks from indonesia.and we keep the shave and siluet of original materials as recognize as possible, so people can actually feel the redefention of function being change.」


ー ミシンの得意なテクニックはありますか?
Do you have a particular technique that your sewing machine excels at?

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「We dont have actual speciffic technique  on process, but we always bold the rawness , its become our style. And we called #futureloundry


■ 富と遺産の優先順位は娘に移りました。

ー お金や資産の価値観、富の定義を教えて下さい。
What is your definition of wealth and the value of money and assets?

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「Theres certain words to discribe this in arabic called " shukur " or being greatfull with what you have, since we have daughter our priority of wealthnes  legacy is  passing to her , and we learning to  understanding all this wealth, money and assets wasnt belong to us,, is belong to universe, to the ecosystem , its our faith to use all assets to be usefull to universe to the ecosystem, to support who need ,and recognize the privilage we got are,  temporary.」

ー  好きな食べ物は何ですか?
What kind of food do you like?

「アジア料理は何でも好きですが、"balado terong"はナスとチリのソースがお気に入りです。」

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「I like any type asian food , but " balado terong "are my fave one, is eggplant with chilly souce.」


ー  最後になりましたが、今回のインタビューありがとうございました。現在進行中もしくは今後のプロジェクトについて、言える範囲で良いのでお伝えする事はありますか?
Lastly, thank you very much for this interview. Is there anything you would like readers to know about any current and/or upcoming projects?

「来年は東京を拠点とするブラックメタルテクノの VMO(バイオレンス・マジック・オーケストラ)と日本でのツアーを計画しています。あとこのインタビューを読んで下さった方は、バリ島にお越しの際は、ぜひ私たちのスタジオにお越しください。」

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「Hopefully next year we plan to have tour in japan with VMO ( violance magic orchestra) its tokyo based black metal techno, and hopefully i get more connection to share this creative , and whoever reas this article youre welcome to our studio whenever you visit bali island.」


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