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【インタビュー】 若干20歳 AUSSCHUSS の 今後の展望

artwork: 3000000000am | press release: Flora Yin-Wong
interviewer: IRIKI (Radd Lounge) | translator: Tatsuya Yamamoto

Ausschussはイギリス育ちで、今はベルリンを拠点とする20歳のプロデューサーだ。攻撃的な音を基調としたダークなインダストリアルに影響を受けた音楽を創り出す。”Mantle”や”Regolith”といった不吉で緊迫感のある作品は、さらに不安を煽るような吐息混じりの声や旋律的なチョップされたボーカルといった人間的な要素と共に、陰鬱で機械的なテンポの中で揺れ動く。すでにロンドン拠点のブティックPrimitiveDisc Magazineなどによるミックスにも名を連ね、Acreなどの面々のブートレグ作品と共に、Astral Planeからの次なるリリースも控えている。

Berlin-based, UK-raised Ausschuss is a 20-year-old producer working with dark, industrial-influenced sounds through abrasive textures and sound design. His often foreboding and overtly tense productions such as ‘Mantle’ and ‘Regolith’ fluctuate between dystopian, mechanical movements as well as more unnerving human elements from breathy utterances to almost melodic chopped up vocals. Having already been enlisted for mixes by the likes of London-based boutique Primitive to Disc Magazine, he’s set to land his next on Astral Plane, alongside bootleg reworkings of the likes of Acre.

- Words by Flora Yin-Wong

■ 僕は音が自分が思ってる様な音にならないと、

【インタビュー】若干20歳 AUSSCHUSS の今後の展望

ー いつ音楽活動を始めたのですか?
When did you start making music?

_ _ _

「In 2011 I started while living in the UK, and about a year later I started really getting into it and buying a lot of UK Techno and Dubstep records. Moving back to Berlin was very liberating in a lot of ways. It's a city that allows survival on a small income with enough time outside of work to focus on own projects.」

ー 音楽を作る上で意識していることはありますか?
Is there anything you keep in mind when you are making music?


_ _ _

「There is definitely a similar mentality whenever I start on a piece. Either I am feeling a certain way and need to get it out of me into a piece, or a sample has caught my ear and I just go from there. The former often leads to trying to find very specific sounds by spending hours either trawling through sample packs or trying to find out how to synthesise a certain sound. Producing and mixing down are pretty much happening simultaneously throughout - some producers can lay out a whole piece with sounds that aren't quite what they want and then mix down and change everything afterwards. I envy that, because I really can't do that, I lose interest very quickly if the sound isn't exactly what I want. It's a fairly slow process, I lose the plot pretty easily.」

ー あなたの初期の作品は非常に攻撃的で、力強く、大胆ですが、最近の作品では (例えば Tomas Urquieta のリミックス)、より何かをにおわすような、計算されたような面が伺えます。これは意図したものなのでしょうか? 自分自身新たな方向に進んでいると思いますか?
Your early productions are very aggressive, heavy and in-your-face . In your more recent pieces (like the remix for Tomas Urquieta) you have been showing a more nuanced and nimble side to your work. Is that intentional? Do you see yourself moving in new directions?

_ _ _
「Yes, it is intentional. 2 years ago aggression was really fun and a lot of the music I was listening to was in a similar vein. Since then I have expanded a lot what I have been listening to and finding it very enjoyable to not always having everything hitting hard and fast and loud. Playing around with more complexes spaces to place the sounds in and how panning in particular can really expand a piece into a very alive and moving thing. Being able to make pieces that really open up a space and allow me to imagine myself in between various spaces and rooms is where most of my focus is. A lot of stuff I'm making right now is much more about creating one space from the start and simply expanding on that, letting the listener visualise the space step by step and, if it feels right, disrupt the space and break whatever room is confining the piece at a given moment.」


■ その音が僕の頭の中でどう聞こえるかや、

ー 日本のアニメをサンプリングしたアートワークをよく目にしました。アニメ等も好きですか?
Some of your cover arts sample japanese anime. Do things like anime inspire you?

_ _ _

「Manga especially has a huge influence on me. I have avidly read and obsess over them from when I was about 8 years old. It's very expressive with how things sound - there are always description of how a particular action sounds and for me it's really interesting to see how they sound inside my head and go and attempt to recreate that.」

ー ライブパフォーマンスの時とDJプレイ、違いはありますか?
Is there a difference when you perform live compared to when you DJ?

_ _ _

「When I perform live it’s just my work and defintely a lot slower than when I DJ. When DJing I just play club music I wanna dance to myself, so it’s a lot of UK, Techno and not so much free form off the grid stuff. There’s defintely quite a difference.」

【インタビュー】若干20歳 AUSSCHUSS の今後の展望

ー 今後のリリース情報を教えてもらえますか?
Can you tell us about anything you are currently working on or you have planned?

「今のところ、今年2017年に PTP (Purple Tape Pedigree) から出すEPを作ってるよ!」

_ _ _

「At the moment I am preparing an EP for PTP for 2017!」

ー ファッションに興味はありますか? あるとすれば、どういったものに興味がありますか?
Are you interested in fashion? If so, what kind of things are you interested in?

「機能的というよりもファッション的なアプローチで、ハイテクな素材やパフォーマンスウェアを扱うブランドに興味がある。Acronym や Christpher Raeburn といったブランドはとてもおもしろいことをしているね。今は Cottweiler や Liam Hodges なんかも気分だね。」

_ _ _

「I’m really interested in designers using technical fabrics and performance wear with more of a fashion approach than just function. Brands like Acronym and Christopher Raeburn have been doing really interesting work. I’ve also been really feeling Cottweiler and Liam Hodges for a minute now.」

ー 最後に、あなたのベスト4ソングを教えて下さい。
Last question, Please tell me your favorite 4 musics.

_ _ _

「In no particular order these are tracks I've been listening to and enjoying a lot lately-」
Stay Ugly - Millie & Andrea
Batu - Reez
Stenny - Consumer's Tool
PNL - Onizuka
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【インタビュー】若干20歳 AUSSCHUSS の今後の展望