【インタビュー】 Yen Tech 流、テクノロジーと2次元の調和

model: Yen Tech | photo: Yi Chen | interviewer: IRIKI (Radd Lounge)
SVBKVLTからのリリース、SILO 立ち上げなどマルチな動きを見せる Yen Tech の SILOクロージングラインの発売に伴い、インタビューを慣行!彼の脳内にあるアカシックレコードを覗かせてもらいました。

■ Yen Techは、ある日、完璧と失敗の
ー まずはじめに、あなたの経歴と Yen Tech というアーティスト名の由来を教えて下さい。
First of all, please tell us about your background and how you came up with the artist name Yen Tech.
「私は、記録的な厳冬のフィラデルフィアの街で生まれました。そこからシカゴ、ニューヨーク、そして最近では上海に引っ越しました。Yen Techは、ある日、完璧と失敗の概念を探求するために作ったプロジェクトです。私は徐々にその中に入り込み、今では私の人生の一部となっています。」
_ _ _
「I was born in the city of Philadelphia during the harshest winter on record. From there I moved to Chicago, New York, and most recently Shanghai. Yen Tech is a project I created one day to explore concepts of perfection and failure. I’ve slowly become entangled within it, and it has now become a part of my life.」

ー 今回から RADD LOUNGE でも取り扱いをスタートする、
マルチメディアプラットフォームである SILO を立ち上げた経緯、理由を教えて下さい。
We will be starting to carry your work at RADD LOUNGE from this time on. How and why did you start SILO, a multimedia platform?
「パートナーシップをありがとうございます。私はとても興奮しています。SILO は、正確にはブランドでもプラットフォームでもなく、未知のものへと進化していく継続的な作品です。それは、ユーモア、内省、エレガンスとともに、共同的なアイデア-不信感を払拭し、未来を共に検討する-を混ぜ合わせるための容器です。どなたでも参加できます。」
_ _ _
「Thank you for your partnership, I’m very excited. SILO is not exactly a brand or a platform, but an on-going work that is evolving into something unknown. It is a container to mix collaborative ideas - to dispose of mistrust and examine the future together - with humor, introspection, and elegance. Anyone is welcome.」
■ テクノロジーは私たちを前進させますが、
ー あなたの楽曲は、ASMR*やAI言語モデルを積極的に取り入れるなど、聴き手に対して最先端テクノロジーを用い、肉体本来のポテンシャルを引き出すメゾット(糸口)を探っているように伺えますが、周波数や振動などへのこだわりはありますか?
Your music seems to be exploring the mesos (clues) to bring out the true potential of the body by using cutting-edge technologies for the listener, such as ASMR (autonomous sensory climax response with hyperbolic function) and AI language modeling. Are you particular about frequencies and vibrations?
_ _ _
「That’s a great concept, the mesos as a type of clue. I guess I'm mainly interested in technology as a form of exteriority - of memory, the body, and the multitude. Sonics and vibrations parallel this technosociality - both are a question of relations and resonance. Technology affords us new modes of presence, but also the potential to degrade and dissipate into the external. 」
_ _ _
「That’s a great concept, the mesos as a type of clue. I guess I'm mainly interested in technology as a form of exteriority - of memory, the body, and the multitude. Sonics and vibrations parallel this technosociality - both are a question of relations and resonance. Technology affords us new modes of presence, but also the potential to degrade and dissipate into the external. 」
*ASMR.... 双曲線関数的な自律感覚絶頂反応。
*メソス.... 浮遊大陸の地表にある、雪と氷で覆われた地域。海賊が基地を構えている。

■ 自分の視点を常に吟味し、それが現在の文化やその中での自分の位置を集約しすぎていると感じ始めたら、変えるように心がけています。
ー 現在、さまざまな分野でパラドックス(矛盾)現象が起きております。全ての人に、自身が掲げる正義があり、それにそぐわない正義に対して認知的不協和を残したまま拒絶するという、2極化の一途を辿っていますが、さまざまな別媒体でのインタビューを拝見すると、あなたは物事を俯瞰的に捉え、斜め上から冷静なジャッジを示しているような印象を受けます。このような視点はどのようなプロセスで培われていったのでしょうか?
Currently, paradoxes (contradictions) are occurring in various fields. We are currently experiencing a paradox in various fields, where everyone has his or her own righteousness and rejects those that don't match it, leaving cognitive dissonance. I get the impression that you have a bird's eye view of things and make calm judgments from an angle. How did you develop this perspective?
ー 現在、さまざまな分野でパラドックス(矛盾)現象が起きております。全ての人に、自身が掲げる正義があり、それにそぐわない正義に対して認知的不協和を残したまま拒絶するという、2極化の一途を辿っていますが、さまざまな別媒体でのインタビューを拝見すると、あなたは物事を俯瞰的に捉え、斜め上から冷静なジャッジを示しているような印象を受けます。このような視点はどのようなプロセスで培われていったのでしょうか?
Currently, paradoxes (contradictions) are occurring in various fields. We are currently experiencing a paradox in various fields, where everyone has his or her own righteousness and rejects those that don't match it, leaving cognitive dissonance. I get the impression that you have a bird's eye view of things and make calm judgments from an angle. How did you develop this perspective?
_ _ _
「Thats a compliment, thank you. Although my music sometimes plays with existing forms, I try to constantly examine my perspective - and change when it begins to feel too much about aggregating a current culture, or my place within it. I do make these creative choices methodically, but also in states of mayhem and unknowing ? not always calmly. This can lead to generative and unexpected results.」
ー 作品作りや仕事に対してのワーク・エンゲージメントを高める方法などがあれば教えて下さい。
What methods, if any, do you use to increase work engagement in your artwork and work?
Please also include any routines that you follow on a daily basis.
What methods, if any, do you use to increase work engagement in your artwork and work?
Please also include any routines that you follow on a daily basis.
_ _ _
「My work is ultimately an examination of myself and my own psyche, so learning to dissolve fear and anxiety is important - as I think it is for anyone who wants to create things. I try to be active and disconnected from technology each day to help this. I try to play basketball everyday, even though I’m not very good, and sometimes I do traditional farm work, using razor sharp axes, saws, and glistening scythes. The labor of these efforts help focus my work. .」

If you were to start a non-music company in the future, what type of business would you like to start? Please also tell us why.
_ _ _
「I've always secretly wanted to be a therapist. I’m interested in the turmoil and instability of minds, including my own and those around me.」
ー お金や資産の価値観、富の定義を教えて下さい。
What is your definition of wealth and the value of money and assets?
_ _ _
「For some, making money is easy, for others it’s hard. This should not determine the richness of one’s life, but unfortunately it can. 」

Lastly, thank you very much for this interview. Is there anything you would like readers to know about any current and/or upcoming projects?
「RADD LOUNGE に招待して頂き IRIKI ありがとう。近々、ヨーロッパでいくつかの公演を行う予定です。その間、ニュージャージー州に移り、様々なプロジェクトを完成させる予定です。これらはパフォーマンス、ビデオ作品、彫刻として完成する可能性が高いです。もしかしたら、あなたはそれらを見たり聞いたりできるかもしれません。」
_ _ _
「Thank you Iriki and for having me at RADD LOUNGE. I will do some upcoming performances in Europe soon. In the meantime I will be relocating to the state of New Jersey to complete various projects. These will most likely end up as performances, video works, and sculptures. Maybe you will see or hear them.」

Yen Tech release on RADD LOUNGE
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Speacial Thanks to Nick, Kim Laughton