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[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude
model: Dasychira | photo, edited by: Guilherme Santos, Gallow Hill,
Lee Bootee, Olivia Martens | interviewer: IRIKI (Radd Lounge)
[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

Careworn x Dasychira (Radd Lounge exclusive) by New York-based artist Dasychira, who has produced numerous artistic works, xDream vinyl records, stuffed animals, and a new video "Eternal Family" will be released on April 20th. Along with the practice of interviews! He talked about his thoughts on music and his positive mind that maintains his spirituality.

[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

ー First of all, please tell us about your encounter with music and how you started making music.
First of all, please tell us about your first encounter with music and what inspired you to create your own.

“It probably happened in a dimension of the spirit world, far beyond my consciousness. It was Dvořák's New World Symphony that I discovered when I was young, that became the first album in my music collection and the catalyst for my pursuit of classical piano.I have been playing and composing music for about 19 years. It will be years."
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"That most likely occurred in the dimension of the psychic realm - which lies far beyond my own consciousness. The inverted world inspires me deeply. As far as I can remember though, my first encounter with music was when I heard Dvořák's New World Symphony at an early age. That was the first album in my music collection, which led me to pursue classical piano. I've been playing and composing music for almost 19 years now."

[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

- What kind of existence is unseelie for you?
What does "unseelie" mean to you?

The unseelie is a mental playground, a projection of fantasy that is as realistic as any identity projection. We document contemporary lore through events and events.”
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unseelie is a spirit playground, and a projection of fantasy as real as any projection of identity. The act of “being” in itself is performative, therefore you are what you believe you are. self-expression into any shape. It also chronicles the lore of a contemporary era through its releases and events.”

[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

■ I think it's like "painting with strawberries".
It is the act of combining different senses and sensations using the vessel of synesthesia.

ー I think one of your charms is not only your aural movements as a musician, but also your unique visual worldview. Please tell us your thoughts on (toy music).
You are not only a musician with an aural movement, but also a unique visual worldview. (Also, what are your thoughts on experimental music and avant-pop (toy music)?

“I often describe myself as a visual thinker. Before pursuing music, I was interested in becoming a cartoonist and animator. That urge is still present in creating the environment we see with sound, I think of it like 'painting with strawberries'. It is the act of combining different senses and sensations using the vessel of synesthesia. ”
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"I often describe myself as a visual-thinking person. Before I decided to pursue music, I was interested in becoming a cartoonist and animator. Those impulses still exist in my musical work when I use sound to create the environment I see in my head I like to think of it as “painting with strawberries” - an act of combining different senses and sensations through a vessel of synesthesia.”
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“Composing music is an imaginative interaction, so much like playing with toys. I love using the sounds of toys in my work: small grand pianos, music boxes, talking Halloween decorations, and arcade game samples.”
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"If I had to categorize my music I would call it scribblecore, since it has such a strong emphasis on gestures and texture. The word "experimental" feels like a shell word to me, I don't think it has any exact meaning because what is “normal” anymore? What speaks to me more is inventiveness, which has more to do with freeing oneself from being results oriented and focusing on the creative process itself. That's why I think channeling one's inner child allows an artistic freedom beyond what is defined.”
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“If I were to categorize my music, I would call it scribblecore, as it focuses on gestures and textures. I don't think so, but I'm more comfortable with 'inventiveness', which has to do with focusing on the creative process itself instead of focusing on results. That's why I think expressing the child inside of you gives you artistic freedom that transcends definition. ”
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"Writing music is similar to playing with toys since it's a form of interaction powered by imagination. I love using toy sounds in my work - tiny grand pianos, music boxes, talking Halloween decorations, and arcade game samples are scattered throughout my catalogue."

ー The debut LP “xDream”, which will be released at the same time as the stuffed animals and hoodies, is artwork created by SA Mayer. In what sense did you request the creation of the Pinocchio and stuffed animal characters?
Your debut LP "xDream", which will be released at the same time as your stuffed animals and hoodies, features artwork created by SA Mayer. What was the significance of the Pinocchio and stuffed animal characters you were asked to create?

I only realized the significance of "Pinocchio" after the record was completed. It has a lot to do with SAMayer's interpretation of the world of xDream. The first jacket designed was a monster ominously wrapped around a chessboard. ”
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"The significance of Pinocchio was only realized after the record was completed. That mostly had to do with SA Mayer 's interpretation of the world of xDream. The first design for the cover was of a prototype Monstro sinisterly curled around a chess board."

[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

“Even though we both liked it, it was difficult to decide on a suitable design for the cover composition. When this design was completed, SA Mayer suggested that we make a Monstro stuffed animal because he had just designed a Monstro stuffed animal for "Happy99" . ”
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"Even though we both liked it, it was challenging to find a design that worked compositionally for the cover. SA Mayer went through at least 12 different versions of it before they arrived at the final design of Pinocchio clutching a fluffy, chibi Monstro. When it was done, he suggested we create a line of Monstro plushies since he had recently designed a few for Happy99."

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"Pinocchio represents the 'whisper in the tree'. It is the inner conscience, the little voice in your head that decides right from wrong and always speaks the truth."
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“Pinnochio represents “the whispers in the trees.” It is the internal conscience, that little voice in your head that tells you right from wrong and always speaks the truth.”

ー You have produced a lot of music from Blueberry Records, the label run by FaltyDL. What kind of existence does Blueberry Records have for you?
You've produced a number of works for FaltyDL's label Blueberry Records, what does Blueberry Records mean to you?

Blueberry is my home label. It’s a platform where I can always hold my beliefs and find positive motivation to achieve my biggest ambitions. He mentored me as I was beginning to find my way in the music world, and he also believed in me shortly after starting this project and signed me to my first release, the Immolated EP. Blueberry consistently puts out some of the most innovative electronic music, and many of their deals have been with relatively new or unknown artists, more than many labels playing it safe these days. I think it's much more exciting."
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" Blueberry is my home label. It's a platform I will always have faith in and find positive motivation to realize my greatest ambitions. I met FaltyDL in 2016 in Brooklyn, he mentored me as I was starting to find my way forward in the New York music community. He also believed in me right at the start of this project and signed my first release, the Immolated EP. Blueberry is constantly putting out some of the most innovative electronic music. - which I find far more exciting than most labels playing it safe these days."

ー Please tell us about the behind-the-scenes story of the collaborative hoodie with careworn, and your relationship with Erica.
What is the story behind your collaboration hoodie with careworn, and what is your relationship with Erica?

“Stephen [SA Mayer] introduced us to us at the same time that we were planning the artwork for xDream and the layout of the record. I was invited to make a monster t-shirt, and when Stephen showed me what Erica had done, I knew I had to make more.Erica used real buttons for the eyes and the body. have happily designed and produced an ultra-rare design monster in different and memorable fabrics.They are both incredibly talented artists and couturiers."
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"Stephen (SA Mayer) introduced us around the same time we were planning the artwork and vinyl layout for xDream. While working on the cover, Stephen had contacted Erica asking if they'd like to make a Monstro tee. When Stephen showed me what Erica had created I knew we had to make more. Erica was happy to design and craft super rare designs of Monstro that used real buttons for the eyes and different keepsake fabrics for the body. Anyone to support their work and order clothes from them!”
[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

■ We tend to become obsessed with making our expressions public, but the moment when we create something based on our inspiration is the real joy, and everything else is just an illusion. I tend to forget that.

- Please tell us if you have any philosophy, routines, thoughts, etc. to keep your spirituality.
What are your philosophies, routines, thoughts, etc. that keep you spiritual?

“Meditation and animation come to mind first. I have been practicing Transcendental Meditation since childhood and it helps me sharpen my energy focus. Animation (especially Koji Morimoto’s work) It expands my imagination and motivates me to explore the unknown magic hidden in everyday life.It is this balance that shapes my aura.To assess my own spirituality. To do so, we need to create a space for introspection, not just in the studio or at home, but in places where nature is full of vitality, such as insects, trees, and the sea. It's easy to get carried away with what you do, but forget that the moment you create something from your inspiration is the real joy, and everything else is an illusion."

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"Meditation and animation are the first ones that come to mind. I've practiced Transcendental Meditation since childhood, which has helped me develop a sharper focus of energy. Animation, (especially anything by Kōji Morimoto) expands my imagination and motivates me to explore. the magic of the unknown masked by daily life. A balance of both keeps my aura in tune. To appreciate my own spirituality, I need to create a space of reflection. If it's not at the studio or at home, it's around insects, trees We all tend to get so caught up in publicizing our expressions that it's easy to forget that the moment of creating something that inspires you is the real joy - everything else is just an illusion. ”
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“I think it is important to record your dreams, goals, questions, and feelings, and explore your thoughts from different angles. I often forget how I really feel. Writing helps me understand myself better and helps me to look forward and never look back.”

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"I find it essential to explore my thoughts from all different angles as well, journaling my dreams, goals, questions and emotions. I often get swept up in the pace and excitement of things that I sometimes forget how I really feel. Writing brings me back to self-understanding and reminds me to keep looking forward and never turn back.”

■ Created when people are living their lives to the fullest and patiently watching the seeds they plant blossom into giant flowers.

ー Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lifestyles up to 180 degrees. What do you think music activists need to do in the future? I think that the more dystopian the situation, the more new culture will be born. Please tell me about that too.
Right now, the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lifestyle 180 degrees, what do you think music activists need to do in the future? I believe that a dystopian situation like this is the best time to create a new culture. us about that?

“There is an ever-widening divide between artists who actually make a living out of music and those who are desperately fighting to keep their dreams alive. We need a renaissance in the music industry that creates a competitive landscape.All musicians should feel valued for their artistic contributions.Streaming platforms should share revenue instead of favoring big labels and artists. We have to find a way to equalize it.”

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“The gap between artists that actually make a living from music and others who fight extra hard to hold onto their dreams has continued to grow. There needs to be a renaissance in the music industry that levels the playing field between commercial and independent artists. musicians should feel valued for their artistic contributions. Streaming platforms should find ways to equally distribute revenue splits instead of favoring major labels and artists.”
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“Independent artists need to feel valued, both financially and spiritually. Good energy always makes things better.Last year was devastating for everyone, especially for those who depended on touring and performing for a living.Nevertheless, listeners and businesses The level of expectations that both of us have for new content from musicians has never been higher.”

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"We need to help independent artists feel valued both financially and emotionally as well. If there's an artist you haven't heard from in a while, reach out and send a supportive message. Good energy will always make things better. This last year has been devastating on everyone, particularly anyone relying on touring and performing to make ends meet. And yet still, the expectation level of both listeners and corporations has been higher than ever for new content from musicians.”
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"We humans shouldn't output to the same standards as computers. To do so would only dilute the listening experience by producing more bland, uninspiring productions, and the creative realm." It creates a megative energy of doubt.We should cultivate a caring culture that is kind to ourselves and that sees value beyond our image.After all, the true masterpieces of this world are: I think it's created when people are living their lives to the fullest and patiently watching the seeds they plant grow into giant flowers."

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"We should not hold people to the same standards of output as machines. Doing so will only result in more bland and uninspiring art to further dilute what we listen to, and create a toxic energy of doubt in the creative sphere. A culture of care should be cultivated, one that promotes people to be gentler with themselves and see their worth beyond their image. Afterall, I think that the true masterpieces of this world are crafted when people live their lives to the fullest extent, and stay patient in watching the seeds they plant grow into giant blossoming plants.”
[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

- If you have a favorite book, food, movie, animal, plant, or music artist you listen to once a month, please let us know.
Do you have a favorite book, food, movie, animal, plant, or music artist that you listen to at least once a month?

"These are all very precious to me. Right now I'm reading a series of novels called 'Otherside Picnic'. I'm reading this because Yikii recommended it to me, and it's literally out of this world. I'm always eating delicious takoyaki, spending time with my dog, watering my orchids, and listening to Ken Ishii's Jelly Tones album. ”

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"All of those things are so precious to me! At the moment I'm reading the Otherside Picnic novel series. Yikii recommended it to me and it's literally out of this world. I always enjoy a tasty portion of Takoyaki, hanging out with my dogs, watering orchids and listening to Ken Ishii's album Jelly Tones."

- Please tell us about the concept of this video.
And, if possible, please tell us about the concept behind your new video.

"It's for the song 'Eternal Family'. It will be released on Tuesday, April 20th. I wrote it in Los Angeles, where I lived when the lockdown started last year. I was quarantined in Hollywood. When I was in college, I met Charlie Grant (director of Lana Del Rey and Grave), and together with my friend Gilhelm Santos (director of Swirl ), I made a music video for this piece, which was based on a mystical ritual. It's the story of four Youtubers who want to seal their fate and be together forever."

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"It's for a song of mine called 'Eternal Family.' I'm releasing it this coming Tuesday (4/20) and I wrote it while I was living in Los Angeles last year at the start of lockdown. While I was quarantining in Hollywood I befriended Charlie Grant (director of Lana Del Rey, Glaive), and eventually we began working together along with my friend Guilherme Santos (who directed Swirl ) to create the music video. fate with a mysterious ritual and be together forever."

- Finally, thank you for the interview. Please say something to your Japanese fans!
Lastly, thank you very much for the interview.

"Thank you for joining us on this space journey into the unknown!
Always believe in yourself towards the light <333 I can't wait to go to Japan again soon! ”

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"Thank you for joining me on this cosmic journey into the unknown! Always follow the light and trust yourself <333 I can't wait to be back in Japan again soon!"

[Interview] Dasychira's oneness mental attitude

Dasychira release on RADD LOUNGE
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Special Thanks to Adrian, Erica